The Ross's is a bird from the Arctic Circle and this one was only about the 22nd record ever for Ireland, so it was a bit of a big deal for me, it's not very often the mega birds show up in Dublin, you usually have to travel the length and breadth of the island chasing, so to have such a rarity in your hometown was nice for a change.
Anyway Sunday was windy, cold, damp and occasionally wet, and went from bright sunshine to overcast skies from one minute to the next. Lots of the guys who dipped on Saturday were back for another play at the waiting game along with a few of the other usual suspects.
The Ross's didn't show 'till about 4.00pm and when it did eventually appear it spent a lot of the time down behind the outlet wall (you can see the barbed wire that sits on the wall in one of the shots) and out of view. It appeared to be swimming against the tide up the outflow and then riding the current back down, a process it repeated again and again. The problem here was the the Ross's was hidden from view for much of the time as it stayed down below the wall!
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The light was poor at this time and although the bird gave intermittent views for about ninety minutes by the time we packed up and decided to call it a day it was almost dark. I don't think anyone managed any really great shots, the two I have here are really the best of the bad bunch I managed.