Common Buzzard - Baltrasna, Ashbourne

Friday, March 21, 2014


The Redshank is a very common resident in Ireland.  It can be found along the shoreline and on estuaries throughout the country, its numbers swell in Autumn/Winter with the influx of birds from colder regions. They do breed in Ireland but only in small numbers as most of our visiting birds depart at the start of spring for whence they came.

These shots were taken this morning at Sutton Creek in Dublin.  There were plenty of Redshank around, foraging amongst the seaweed, racing up and down the shore just on the tide line.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Tufted Duck

The Tufted Duck is a widespread common fresh water duck that can be found in ponds and lakes throughout Ireland.  There may be good numbers of them around but that has never stopped them being one of my favourite ducks, they just look amazing when seen up close, well the male does but as with many birds the female is a touch on the brown and dull side.

These ducks are part of the small group that can be found on the ponds at Bushy Park, Dublin.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Conservation terrorism - Ireland 2014

A modern society?  Nah, not when this country is still home to some ignorant, neanderthal, gun wielding, poison laying farmers and land owners who's value's belong in another century and who's moral and ethical compass is well and truly broken.

This is not the first and looks like it won't be the last of these magnificent birds to suffer this fate in this the land of a thousand welcomes and all that feckology.  We're fast becoming an embarrassment,  a country of gobshites and morons, the laughing stock of the international conservation community.  But whisper it, because you're not allowed to upset the farming and hunting community in the fair isle of Ireland 2014.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Ring-billed Gull - 1st wi

There was a time not too long ago when the Ring-billed Gull was a scarce Winter visitor to these shores from its home in North America.  Whilst not exactly common, they have become a much more regular sight all along the shores of Ireland throughout Autumn and Winter.

The bird pictured here is a 1st-Winter Ring-billed Gull that was found in the large mixed flock of Gulls at Dublin port last weekend.  Granted the day was all about the Ross's Gull (previous post), however when the Ring-billed was spotted it drew very little reaction from the assembled throng, partly due to the Ross's being the target of the day, and partly due I think to the ever increasing presence of Wintering Ring-billed Gulls in Ireland.