Common Buzzard - Baltrasna, Ashbourne

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cheap as Chips!!

For the second week in a row I found myself in Wicklow.  Last Saturday I went to Roundwood to year tick the Goosanders that were on the reservoir.  I've always liked Roundwood but is it really Ireland's highest town as the signs say... just doesn't seem that high. Whilst there I had some little grebe, teal etc and a male crossbill. 

From roundwood I headed for Sally's Gap.  I didn't venture too far from the car as when I parked the Guards pulled up and advised me there had been some break in's and not to leave anything on show.  Well that was enough wasn't it!  I didn't move any further than a few hundred meters from the car which kind of reduced my chances of flushing red grouse.  After a while I gave up as I was just too preoccupied with making sure I was within sight of the car at all times and that's not really what going for a walk in Wicklow is about.

On a positive note I got good views of two merlin (separately).  One just exploded over a hill in the general direction of some calling meadow pipits, I imagine the pipits were just a bit put out.

On Sunday I headed down to the ECNR at Blackditch.  I didn't stay too long and didn't really see any of the more desirable natives (missed out on hen harrier) the real reason for the visit.  Seen the usual suspects and headed back home.

In Meath this week I had my first swallows in Ashbourne last Monday and house martin's on Wednesday, plenty of chiff chaffs calling all week, and lots of BoP activity.... sparrowhawk (twice), buzzard (every day, almost cheap as chips now), kestrel and peregrine (twice). 

I'm going to head out later tonight and over the next week to see can I catch sight or sound of  any Owl's.  I'll hopefully encounter the barn owl(s) in the area and who knows if I can see or hear a short or long eared owl... wish me luck!

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