Common Buzzard - Baltrasna, Ashbourne

Thursday, September 22, 2011


Took a trip out to Swords yesterday evening just as the tide was on the turn and on its way back in.  I spent a quite 90 minutes on my own, no other birders around and unusually for Swords hardly any walkers!

There were plenty of lapwing, sanderling and godwits (both) about, twenty odd oystercatchers and at least 12 grey herons tucked up as usual in the grass near the overpass. 

Plenty of redshank moving busily over the mudflats, and closer to shore a handful of turnstones moving up and down the shoreline.

The obligutory mix of gulls and of course the mute swans over the Donanbate side were also present.

mute swan, Swords

The highlight was a solitary greenshank, tucked up, head on shoulder trying its best to stay warm, it was suprisingly cold, the breeze had a real bite to it.  There was also a pair of grey plovers in amongst the dunlin.

Further out, a group of 15 GC grebes were keeping company with 3 goldeneye. 

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